Monday, June 29, 2009


my good intentions have been delayed.


spit on the sidewalk
convert to any organized religion
3 things I'd never do

it's time to wake up.
i'm a little bitty bunny. you're a big ol' bunny.
there's no poo poo.
3 quotes from my son -- way back when he was even more innocent...

to get stiches in my little finger
to have my right kidney removed
to visit a friend who was dying
3 trips to the hospital

Foie Gras
3 foods I'll never eat again

the gutting line of a fishery in Alaska
assistant in the kitchen of an art school in Tuscany
bringing CNN Headline News to the trade show floor across the U.S.
3 jobs from my past

Coming Through Slaughter
The Passion
The Book of Illusions
3 books I have read

Leonard Cohen
I Am the World Trade Center
3 bands I listened to today

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009